Standard ML of New Jersey

The SMLofNJ structure


signature SML_OF_NJ
structure SMLofNJ : SML_OF_NJ


structure Cont : CONT
structure IntervalTimer : INTERVAL_TIMER
structure Internals : INTERNALS
structure SysInfo : SYS_INFO
structure Susp : SUSP
structure Weak : WEAK
val exportML : string -> bool
val exportFn : (string * ((string * string list) -> OS.Process.status)) -> unit
val getCmdName : unit -> string
val getArgs : unit -> string list
val getAllArgs : unit -> string list
datatype 'a frag
  = QUOTE of string
  | ANTIQUOTE of 'a
val exnHistory : exn -> string list


structure Cont
First-class continuations and their operators.

structure IntervalTimer
Delivers alarm signal at specified intervals.

structure Internals
Ways to tweak the runtime system and read-eval-print loop.

structure SysInfo
What hardware and operating system are we running on?

structure Susp
Suspensions for lazy evaluation.

structure Weak
Weak pointers that don't keep objects alive.

exportML filename
Dump the current state of the ML process into a heap image called filename.arch-opsys (where arch is the machine architecture, such as "sparc" or "x86", and opsys is the operating system, such as "solaris" or "win32"; and return false.

When the heap image is loaded into an SML runtime system, (with sml @SMLload=filename.arch-opsys, computation will resume as if exportML had returned true.

exportFn (filename, f)
Dump the function f into a heap image called filename.arch-opsys (where arch is the machine architecture, such as "sparc" or "x86", and opsys is the operating system, such as "solaris" or "win32"; and then exit.

When the heap image is loaded into an SML runtime system, (with sml @SMLload=filename.arch-opsys arg1 arg2 ..., computation will start with a call to f(arg0,[arg1,arg2,...]) where arg0 is the name of the executable file (in this example, the pathname expansion of sml).

When f returns, the ML process terminates, with the process termination condition determined by the value returned by f.

getCmdName ()
Get the command name by which ML was invoked (in Unix, the "zeroth" command-line argument).

getArgs ()
Get the command-line arguments from when ML was invoked, not including the "zeroth" argument (in Unix) that is the command name, and not including any arguments starting with @SML (which are directives to the ML runtime system).

getAllArgs ()
Get all the arguments to the ML process, including the zeroth argument and also arguments starting with @SML (which are directives to the ML runtime system).

datatype 'a frag
A datatype used by the quote/antiquote mechanism for object-language parsing; see also Compiler.Control.quotation.

exnHistory exn
Return the exception history of exn, showing where it was first raised and through which exception-handlers it has been passed (or reraised). Each string in the list describes the source-file and line number of the raising (or reraising) code; the most recent handler (or reraise) is first, the earliest raising point is last.

Code compiled with Compiler.Control.trackExn set to false does not generate exception histories.

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Last Modified December 19, 1997
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Copyright © 1998 Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies